Festival On Ice 2025 Registration

Lincoln Park Skate Company is proud to present its annual spring ice show, Festival on Ice 2025. The show will take place May 2, 3 and 4, 2025, and will feature skaters from the Skate Company Skating Club’s Learn to Skate program, competitive skaters who are first and second club members of the club, junior club members, and guest skaters. Skaters of all ages and levels are invited to participate in this spectacular event that culminates the club’s skating season!


Ice Show Dates and Times

There are four performances that all participating skaters are required to skate in. The shows will be:

• Friday, May 2, 2025 @ 7:00 p.m.

• Saturday, May 3, 2025 @ 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

• Sunday, May 4, 2025 @ 4:00 p.m.


This year, the practice schedule will be shortened to allow for an extra session of Learn to Skate classes. Because of this shortened practice schedule, all group practices are mandatory. Groups will begin practices after our Learn to Skate session 4 is over; a complete schedule will be distributed in February. The week prior to the show, there are mandatory dress rehearsals. Dress rehearsal schedules will be announced in February. It is critical that skaters attend all practices to assist with timely completion of the show numbers – absent skaters make it very difficult to create programs. Practices will typically be held on Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.


Ice Show Fees and Deadline

Registration will be held on site November 12 and 15, 2024 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Make-up dates may be held if necessary. Late registrations are dependent on costume availability and the director’s approval and is subject to a $30 late fee. A non-refundable deposit of 25% of your total amount due is required to register for the Ice show, and your balance will be split into three payments that are due on January 17, 2025, February 14, 2025, and March 14, 2025. All balances must be paid in full to pick up costumes.

  • Package A: $225 – Includes one group number, all practices, group coaches’ fees, costume and two pairs of tights. (Boys deduct $20 for no tights.)
  • Package B: $300 – Includes two group numbers, all practices, group coaches’ fees, costumes and two pairs of tights.
  • Special parts fee: $85 – includes participation in a special part and your costume. This does not include your ice time and instructor fee to choreograph your special part. Tryout fees are $25 and due prior to tryouts.
  • Mini Me Number: $85 – This is an additional number with older skaters paired with younger skaters that will include practices, group coaches’ fees, and costume. Littles must be Basic 2 and higher. See Mini Me rule sheet.
  • Black Light/Dim Light Number: $85 – This is an additional number for skaters who are FS 1 and higher and ages 10 and up (by registration) that will include practices, group coaches’ fees, accessories, and a handmade costume. Family may need to provide some parts to the costume.
  • High School Number: $25 – This is an additional number that will include practices and group coaches’ fees. Skaters are required to purchase a top at the advisement of the director and wear black leggings or pants (no jeans) provided by the skater/family.

Group skaters in Festival on Ice 2025 must be in the Learn to Skate program at Lincoln Park and/or be a first, second or junior member of Skate Company SC. Skaters trying out for special parts must be a first club member by October 1, 2024 and must meet all requirements set in the try-out registration handout. All club members must be a member in good standing with no balances owed to Skate Company Skating Club prior to registering for the show or try-outs.


Costume fees are included in the package rate as described. All skaters will be registered at the time of registration and any questions regarding sizes will be decided between the director and the parent. Each female skater will receive one pair of tights with their package. Male skaters will receive one pair of black pants with their package.

Advertisement and Program Books

A program book will be created for the show. It will include pictures of all the groups and solos involved in the show. Families will have the opportunity to place an ad in the program book featuring a skater or business. Each skater is responsible to sell at least a ½ page of ads for the program book. The book will also contain love ads that are one- and two-line mini ads to be placed in the back of the book. The revenue from the program book helps to defray the cost of ice expenses, lighting, and props for the show. Any skater selling 3 additional small ads will receive one complimentary general seating ticket to the show. Any skater selling two full pages of ads will receive two complimentary general seating tickets to the show.

Fund Raising

There will be a number of fund raising opportunities to help defray ice show fees. This fund raising is done through Skate Company Skating Club. The SCSC treasurer and president will advise on these opportunities.


Parent involvement is critical to the success of the show and is required. The registration form packet contains a list of committee parents may participate in. All families are required to volunteer the following:

– Three (3) shifts before rehearsal/show week (Feb. 1 – April 27)

– Three (3) shifts/days during dress rehearsal week (April 29 – May 1)

– Two (2) shifts during the show weekend (May 2 – May 4)

– One (1) shift/day for show set up or teardown

A shift must be a minimum of one (1) hour except for tear down which consists of a minimum of (2) hours.

Donations of supplies are critical to the show! Please let us know if you have access to any of the supplies for the show that can be donated such as paint, large pieces of cardboard, wood, large permanent markers, etc.

Come join our cast! Register online today!

Note- we will need to take your skater’s measurements the week of 11/12/24

Commitment forms for Mini Me are available at the LTS table and need to be signed by each Mini Me participant and parent. Forms for Adaptive, alumni and parents will be available at the check in table as well.

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